There was a new TikTok channel, obviously we don't know about it because it's banned in India. The TikTok account goes by the name "DeepTomCruise". It got viral. Everyone was shocked, some found it creepy, some find it cool. There was another viral video made by CorridorCrew, a famous YouTube channel based on VFX. They made a scripted video where they are in a store, and they find Keeanu Reeves in there the title of the video was named "Keanu Reeves stops Robbery." this is the link to the video, I would recommend watching it. This was a regular humourous video with a ittle bit of VFX. Every one thought it was a regular, everyone was a totally normal video. Few days later CorridorCrew made another video titled "How We Faked Keanu Reeves Stopping a Robbery" this video revealed that the video they made few days ago was a not entirely true. Everything was real exce...