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Times when DeepFake fooled the Internet.

There was a new TikTok channel, obviously we don't know about it because it's banned in India. The TikTok account goes by the name "DeepTomCruise". It got viral. Everyone was shocked, some found it creepy, some  find it cool. There was another viral video made by CorridorCrew, a famous YouTube channel based on VFX. They made a scripted video where they are in a store, and they find Keeanu Reeves in there the title of the video was named "Keanu Reeves stops Robbery." this is the link to the video, I would recommend watching it. This was a regular humourous video with a ittle bit of VFX. Every one thought it was a regular, everyone was a totally normal video. Few days later CorridorCrew made another video titled "How We Faked Keanu Reeves Stopping a Robbery" this video revealed that the video they made few days ago was a not entirely true. Everything was real exce...
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Threats by s0ciEty to DeepFake.

If you remember my previously posted blogs, I talked about how deep fake works. Now that we know  how well it works and how quickly it is becoming near flawless. DeepFake is going to pose a real threat to the society. There could be multiple times where you just can’t trust even videos any more and though there might be some way to find out if something is actually DeepFaked or not, that method is not going to last long, the technology is going to fill every hole in their system. There was a video of Obama and Mark Zuckerberg. While the ex-president was commenting on Trump, Mark Zuckerberg was admitting that Facebook’s true goal is to manipulate and exploit its users, the amount of deepfaked stuff on the internet is seriously convincing and made on a rapidly growing amount. According to a research by a company called Deeptrace, there were 7,964 DeepFaked movies online at the start of 2019; nine months later, that number had risen to 14,678. Since then it is still learning, developi...

How DeepFake actually works

  DeepFake is the process where a program swaps faces with anyone in any video. This A.I. Technology is extremely powerful, it goes through millions of frames to swap faces. Every frame is accurate. The outcome video is very realistic and anyone can be easily fooled by it. These programs use not just one, but two different A.I.s working together at the same time. The first A.I. will go through and scan many images of the subject who is to be faked and then create new faked images. The second A.I. will then examine those faked images and compare them to the real images, and if the second A.I. spots a difference between them, the second A.I. will mark the image as an obvious fake and will pass this information to the first A.I. So the first A.I. takes this information and continuously adjusts the fake images based on the second A.I.’s feedback. Then the new faked images are again passed to the second A.I. for comparison, then again, if the second A.I. spots errors it will...

The Fabricated reality by DeepFake

Throughout the years the art of deception has been commonly used. Fake e-mails, fake text messages, fake images where people's faces are replaced… But as time passed people started seeing through these deceptions. The email address is a clear giveaway, the phone number is a give away. Images are pretty tough to see through as tools like Photoshop would allow one to drastically change the reality of the image to anything they want, but to counter that apps are created which use Deep Learning A.I. to see if the image is Photoshoped or not, and they seem to be doing pretty well. Even without these apps people don't directly believe any image they see on the internet as everyone knows by now how easy it is to fake an image. I mean, it's just an image, Photoshop would easily make something like these. But, it's a totally different story when it's a video… I don't think anyone would doubt that the video is fake. It's easy to do it on Photoshop, you just need the p...